Neutrawaste Bin Sanitiser
Neutrawaste nappy, sanitary & medical bin sanitiser is designed for the safe storage of soiled dressings and medical waste, the Bio Active formula is 99% biodegradable and can also be used in Wheelie bins and kitchen waste containers.
The Neutrawaste slow release germicides and odour neutralising vapors are activated upon contact with moisture or waste materials within the waste receptical.
Neutrawaste Product Features
- Manufactured in the UK
- Fast action
- Inhibits microbic cell multiplication
- Bio active fragrance formula
- Independently tested and approved
- Internal shaker spout to facilitate measured dosage
- 1 x 1000 gm container
- Approximately 20 mg per application
The properties of our neutrawaste bin sanitiser ensures that offensive odours are destroyed but also that the bacteria is controlled and destroyed at the same time.
With a fresh fragrance blended base developed specifically for masking offensive odours in waste disposal units. During this process the natural anti-microbial vapors permeate the whole unit and continue to be effective even when the unit is full.
Why treat waste ?
Waste bins are especially a breeding ground for micro-organisms, leading to:
- The development of offensive odours in washrooms. Offensive odours in washrooms and baby changing facilities leads to a poor perception of service levels by visitors and staff.
- The growth of potentially pathogenic microorganisms. Protection of both operators and clients is a major priority if infections are to be avoided
- Many service companies use products which simply try to mask the malodours and offer no protection to their operators or clients.
Waste Disposal Bacteria
Bacterium could derive from items such as soiled dressings or even general organic waste.
The main thing to consider is that Neutrawaste works in a non toxic manner the odours that it produces as a result of reacting with the bacteria will be non toxic and not harmful to service personnel.
Using Neutrawaste means that any odours produced are less harmful than those that are produced by the waste in question.
It is especially important to remember that Neutrawaste is not a replacement for the cleaning of waste control bins and appropriate cleaning should be carried out.
These bio active granules are designed for use in liners or tiger bags for disposal with the waste.
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